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Backend Developer

Candidate CV
Backend Developer Summary

15+ years of systems development, using programming languages such as; NodeJs (Express, NestJs, Developing layered architectures, MVC, DDD, and clean hexagonal architecture. Full stack development with React (Redux, Hooks, React UI), experience in front-end development with AngularJs (2.x for newer versions, Material, mgx-bootstarp, Angular-ui-tree), back-end experience C# (WebForms, FullFramework, Dot Net Core). manipulation of data in relational databases such as (SQL Server, Mysql, Postgres, Oracle), and non-relational databases such as (MongoDB, Redis, Cassadra, Dynamodb).

Language Proficiency
  • Fluent English
  • Basic Spanish
  • Fluent Portuguese

Backend Developer

Jan 2020 - today

Backend developer Responsibilities:
  • API development for interface integration, back-end, and AWS environment. Deploy systems with Docker, orchestrate them with Kubernetes, Frontend with Reatar and Angular, Development in the backend in Node (express, NestJs) and JAVA (Hibernate JDBC, Quarkus).
  • Banco Semear - 1 year: backend and AWS environment. Deploying systems with Docker, orchestrating them with Kubernetes, systems development in MVC architecture and DDD C# (DotNet Core), React and Angular.
  • Rumo Logística - 1 year : API for interface integration, Backend development in NodeJs (Express, NestJs,, backend and AWS environment. Deploying systems with Docker, orchestrating them with Kubernetes, publication track with Jenkis Interface with React.
Technologies and tools:

AWS, Java, MVC, C#, NodeJS, Docker, Kubernetes

Backend Developer

Jan 2013 – Oct 2019

Backend developer Responsibilities:
  • Development of systems aimed at financial areas with, development with rest full APIs in NodeJs (Express, NestJs,
  • Applications and endpoints for use of applications and interfaces based on JavaScript (Angular, Vuejs), NodeJs (Express,NestJs,
  • Backend and AWS environment. Deploy systems with Docker, orchestrate them with Kubernets, publishing track with Jenkis; Agile Methodologies in the process of deliverables, systems development in MVC and DDD architecture, project support and consumption of api's, Consumption of Interface in React with Redux and Angular.
Technologies and tools:

JNodeJs, Java, AWS, Jenkis, Docker

Backend developer

Feb 2008 – Dec 2012

Backend developer Responsibilities:
  • Development of systems for startups in the field of civil construction, with integration with systems for purchasing and selling materials.
  • Development focused on transaction processing systems, management information systems and support systems to the decision.
  •  Programming based on PHP, Mysql, Javascript, Html, Css, C#(WebForms) and JAVA (JSF, JDBC).
Technologies and tools:

Java, HTML, CSS, C#, PHP, Mysql, SQL

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